Our Engagement

The proposal was caught on video by my wonderful little sister Samantha Wenzel. :) You can bring up the video on the Youtube site if you want to make it HD or full screen. 

The Bride's Point of View
To give you a little background on this day, let me fill you in. So we have been dating for 5 years and had just spent a very romantic weekend in Napa for my birthday. Val got me a present for my birthday and it came in a little square box. He warned me as he gave me the present that "I really want to marry you, I do... but it's not what it looks like it should be... I am saving up and it will happen some day but today is not that day." I honestly was a little bummed, but I loved the pearl earrings he got me and enjoyed the rest of my weekend. Throughout the week after our weekend in Napa to hamper my expectations throughout the holiday season I told myself, "Well, it will probably be another 6 months to a year before he proposes since he said he is still saving." And that was that. Or so I thought.
The next weekend we went out to brunch with my entire family to El Torito's. (Fun Fact: It's our family's Sunday brunch spot, while Val's family frequents Pedro's down the street. Who would have thought we have literally been feet away from each other our entire lives since our childhood.) My sister Jessica was making a big stink about having brunch for my birthday instead of the normal family dinner that we do at my Grandma's house. I honestly didn't care where we had the celebration, I just wanted everyone to be happy -- I know so unlike me right? Haha. Anywho, we were confirmed for brunch that Sunday and I got up and put on some jeans and a nice sweater with boots. I walked outside my room and my sister looked me over and said "That's what you're wearing???" I said, "Uh yeah." She proceeded to tell me that I had to change and dress up because "all of us are dressing up." I was confused and started to complain and whine that I had nothing to wear when she gave me one of her skirts, told me to throw on some leggings and boots and black sweater with pearls. After the wardrobe change we finally were headed to the restaurant. Val and I in one car and Jessica was in her own. We met everyone at the restaurant and I was none the wiser... Just proceeded to have our normal banter with the family and eat a good meal.
You can see what happened after the check was paid and we were almost on our way out....

The Groom's Point of View
Now my side... I had been planning this since the end of August of last year. I knew I wanted to marry Danielle and I wanted to have the perfect ring for her. So I enlisted the help of the two people who knew her best. Jessica and Samantha. It never seemed as real as it did the moment I went into the Shane Co. to decide what right I wanted to look for. With the amazing help of Jess & Sam I was able to have the perfect ring picked out and set by October. This was one of the few times in my life I KNEW I was making the right choice. For her birthday weekend we spent a romantic weekend in Napa Valley. Wine, food, adventure, talking, you know the perfect kind of place to ask someone to marry them. Unfortunately for me, and Danielle, I had other plans. I did however have a gift for her. Pearl earrings to match her pearl necklace. Because these earrings came in a box that was the EXACT size a ring would, I had to prepare Danielle for the "disappointment" she would have knowing that it wasn't a ring. I have never seen someone love and hate a gift like that in my life. I hated crushing her dream like that but I knew that it would all be worth it come the following week. My ulterior motive was to ask for Danielle's father's permision. I am not the most traditional guy but I have always been brought up to know the importance of family and respect. Matt Wenzel is a man that I have deep respect for.
Now, with his permission the plan was able to move forward. Come the brunch, again with much scheming on behalf of Jess & Sam we were able to arrange a brunch at the place where we had our first date with all of Danielle's closest relatives. I have never felt so nervous like that in my LIFE. My stomach was in knots leading up to the moment of asking her. I laugh uncomfortably at jokes being told around the table, everything was a fog leading up to when it came my time to ask. SO with a stomach in knots, no public speaking abilitys and a ring I began to put in motion the question Danielle has wanted to hear and I wanted to ask....


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