Our Story

A picture from the first couple of months we were dating, on my 22nd birthday. (above)
Danielle = standard
Val = italicized blue
Was it fate that brought me and Val together? Maybe. But it was more likely our love for being out and about on a Friday night. We happened to be at the same lounge (Taste, for those of you who remember that place) with friends and ended up both at the bar by our lonesomes struggling to get the attention of the one bartender in a crowded place. Val looked over at me joked, obviously the "liquid courage" was kicking in,  about trying to get a drink as the bartender proceeded to pass us by again. We chatted a bit and as I was about to leave to go join my friends again, he asked for my number. He called me the next day. I wasn't one for following the 3 day rule.
We went to El Torito for happy hour on our first date. Val will admit he was shy and quiet during the first date. I honestly didn't know if I could do a second date because I felt like I was doing all the talking and blabbering.Which has been one of the things I liked from the beginning, getting to know her was easy, always the conversationalist. I decided to give it one more go and we ended up going on a second date, and then a third. Val was still being his quiet self (which I have grown to love and appreciate) and so I wasn't sure we were right for each other. The third date was a movie on my birthday "No Reservations" she should have known at that point I WANTED to see her more, what guy watches a Rom-Com on HIS b-day!? I went on my family's annual summer vacation to Tahoe in August and told Val that I would give him a call/text when I got back and that the reception wasn't that great (half true). When I got back from Tahoe I didn't call him and I thought this was how I was going to let him go, just fade away and "lose touch." I DO believe in trying to play it cool, I didn't text or call either.  After about 3 weeks or so of not talking, my guilt was getting the best of me. I text him so we could hang out and so I could have the inevitable talk about how we should just be friends that I was so shamelessly avoiding. Which was better than doing it ON my birthday, which is what she originally planned! I mean, he was a nice guy--maybe we could be just friends! He seemed happy to hear from me and not at all mad that I hadn't contacted him in almost a month. We decided to meet up for happy hour at Applebee's. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I felt like I was meeting someone completely different this time. He was funny, talkative, listened, was thoughtful and I had lots of fun! I felt like there was nothing to lose at this point, less pressure to try "see what happens." By the end of the date I was completely confused, but more importantly I was intrigued. From that point on we talked daily and went out on several dates. 
I had a business trip to take and was going to be gone for almost 3 weeks out in the midwest. At this point Val and I weren't exclusive and I didn't really know if I was even ready to have "that" talk. So instead I told him I'd miss him and headed out on my trip. Two states in -- I had already gone to Wisconsin and was now on the Chicago leg of my trip -- after talking every day and almost every night on the phone Val asked if I would like it if he came and saw me while I was in Minnesota (my last part of the trip). Luckily this was through email, so I had some time to think and consult with noneother than Catherine Vega. I debated whether I knew him well enough to come and spend several days and nights with me in a hotel room. (I know, I know mom... he could have been crazy or an ax-murderer.) After a pretty lengthy convo with Catherine I decided to let him come visit. I too talked to a couple of friends about the possible trip, all of them could see that I was really into Danielle, especially because I was willing to make a trip half way across the country because I missed her. This is also probably the first time that my Mother is hearing about the REAL reason for going. Danielle was the "friend." Sorry for lying Mommy. He bought his plane ticket that night and in a few days I was picking him up from the Minneapolis-St Paul airport. After our first day together (October 6, 2007) we had "the talk" and decided to become exclusive and make it... wait for it... MYSPACE official. (He also ended up getting a Facebook account that day to make it FACEBOOK OFFICIAL.) Nothing really counts until you make the status change on social media. It was a lot of fun and I loved having a travel buddy with me to explore and rediscover Minneapolis. (Ironically I had been to Minneapolis before during high school  for a summer business camp.) Easily the best date(s) I had ever had up to that point in my life. Beautiful girl, coffee & Guinness with brunch, and a midnight showing of The Breakfast Club. Need I say more? Val ended up having to leave a day before me to get back to work and I shortly followed.
The rest... as they say... is history! 5 years later, ups and downs that have made our relationship stronger, and I can honestly say that I am marrying my best friend. I'm so excited for our future together. :)
We have had an amazing history so far, this woman IS my best friend as well, no one has challenged me like she does and I am the better for it. September 14th can't come any sooner!


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